Jim Blimey

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Bank Holiday weekend streams


I have slacked on the streams recently, so in an attempt to get back into them I did 3 this Bank Holiday weekend.

First up I powered up the Master System for yet another attempt at an action RPG. This time trying Golden Axe Warrior, as nice as the game is, its a bit too much of a grind fest for a stream so played a couple of other games too.

Following that it was back to the Speccy for a go at Lemmings - a decent enough port although visibility was an issue at times. I didn't do as well as when I played the Master System version but enjoyed it all the same.

I rounded things off with an alcohol free type in stream, using the ZX Omni for the first time. This turned into a bumper stream as I managed to pick quite a large game! We got there in the end though.

Don't forget you can give me a follow over on twitch!
