Jim Blimey

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New Game: SubBlitz


This is NOT a game review! This is a game RELEASE! Yep, that's right what you're about to see has been made by me from an idea by Daphne Blake.

Some time ago Daph was lamenting on twitter how she struggles to enjoy the classic bomber game New York Blitz since the events of 9/11 and how somebody should recreate it with a submarine firing missiles up. I quite liked this idea and decided to make it happen. I'd previously played a Sinclair BASIC clone which I enjoyed and wanted to keep with that style - something that would have been right at home in 1983.

The aim of the game is simple: using the space bar fire missiles at the icicles above - you must clear ALL ice to win! You can only fire one missile at a time and each time you loop the screen you get one step closer to an icy mess!

If you do manage to clear the ice and escape you are given the option to go again with your score intact - let's see some lovely high scores from you!

Version 1.1 update (19/09/2020)

1.1 adds a border flash and farty noise when you lose a life, as well fixing a bug where if you finished with no lives it'd drop you back to BASIC.

Download now from itch.io!

Local download link if you're having problems with itch.io: tap file (15.6K)

Can you beat this high score?
