By James O'Grady released 2022-01-28
These three games all use the Anarchic System of S.Robert Speel (Hi Bob!), from his New Adventure Systems for the Spectrum, Fontana, 1984.
Fossil Hunt is the example "create it yourself" scenario from the book. You need to find the fossil.
Tic Tac Toe Quest is my example that I created myself to make sure it all works. You need to get enough money to win, find an object and reach a location.
El Dorado Quest is my complete adventure. You need to find the Lost City of El Dorado, loot its treasure and then leave the country safely. You need to get enough money, get the required objects, kill a monster AND reach a location.
I added "weight" to the "look at" and "stat" verbs, so it tells you how much things weigh and how much you are carrying.
hitObjects have dimensions, weight and durability!
Scenario Maker DELUXE is the scenario maker from the book with some quality of life enhancements, including object confirmation and added location prepositions. This results in some DATA statements that must be copied to a new file and saved.
I've provided the Questionnaire to help with this.
You must create data statements for each monster. These are 760x where x is the number of the monster. These can be dummied out with 0,0,0,"". You can also create them using Vector Picture Designer. Instructions are in the comments!
Player Program in SPEELSCOPE is the player program. Load it, then MERGE "" the scenario to get a playable game.
Want help debugging exits? MERGE "" the location display which will tell you where the locations go.
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