Jim Blimey

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By James O'Grady released 2024-01-19

Caudillo was a 1992 wargame created by Richard Forsythe from a game system by Jason Davies. It was sold by mail order.

The two players are the opposing sides of the Spanish Civil War (1936-1939), the Nationalists and the Republicans.

There is optional hidden movement.

The game starts with the Republicans deploying units. Control the cursor with

	W	E

A			D
	Z	X

and S to select. Hollow cities are republican, solid are nationalist.

Then the Nationalists deploy units.

On each turn, the Nationalists go first, followed by the Republicans.

A full manual is available on SpectrumComputing.

Changes in the Snorkified Version

1) Different unit icons for Carlists, Catalans, Asturian Miners and Basques

2) Asturian Miners are stronger

3) More Carlists

4) Some units have changed names

5) An extra river from Madrid to Portugal

6) Two extra cities in France which are supply sources

7) Extra mountains

8) Random events are now at the start of January and July

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