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By James O'Grady released 2022-05-13

"Dreadnought" for the Commodore 64 is from "Micro Wars on the Commodore 64" by Humphrey Walwyn.

dreadnought.d64 is the original

dreadnoughtV2.d64 is the Snorkified version

Both are loaded with LOAD"*",8 after attaching the disk to drive 8.

Two player game, design and name two fleets and let them fight each other in a recreation of naval combat 1895 to 1918. Ships have speed and direction, and are controlled via flags or radio. The map is centred between the first ship of each fleet which is automatically the flagship. If one side is completely sunk or the fleets are too far apart then the game ends.

5 types of ship and 3 types of gun!

Snorkified version boasts an ADDITIONAL ship, an additional type of gun, more use of colour, and gradual acceleration/deceleration of the ships. No more handbrake turns!

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