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Runaway Robot

By James O'Grady released 2022-11-18

Runaway Robot was a type-in by Jon Smith and Simon N Goodwin!

The Original version is the one in the magazine Games Computing, issue 1, January 1984. You can get the magazine (and other issues too) at https://www.flaxcottage.com.

The "compiled" version is that but run through the ZIP Compiler, and with a choice of speed (the lower, the faster).

Snorkified Deluxe is my BASIC upgrade.

Snorkified Deluxe COMPILED is the compiled version.

128K is the 128K version (no AY music though).

And the .dsk file is the ZX +3 disk version that autoloads!

Move the robot through the maze, collect the batteries. "qaop" in lower case are the controls!

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