Jim Blimey

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Xmas Eve

By James O'Grady released 2021-12-21

I have the same game for you across SIX different platforms!

"xmas eve amstrad cpc 464.dsk" and ""xmas eve amstrad cpc 464 spanish WORKING.dsk" are disks for the Amstrad CPC 464. I used the CPCEC emulator. LOAD "xmaseve" or load "nochebue"

"XMASBBC.ssd" for the BBC Micro. LOAD "XMAS EVE"

"xmascbm64.d64" for the Commodore 64. LOAD "XMAS EVE",8

XMASDR32.tap and XMASDR32-CYMRAEG.tap for the Dragon 32. CLOAD ""

XMASORIC.tap for the ORIC 1. CLOAD ""

ZXMASEVESpectrum.tap and ZXMASEVESpectrum.tzx for the ZX Spectrum. LOAD ""

All written by Paul Stanley!

Download zip